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Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone has questions about going to the dentist which is perfectly natural. So in this post about our 30 most frequently asked dental questions you’ll find detailed answers about our dental services including family dentistry, preventive care, cosmetic options.

Yes clinic do have a lift and wheelchair facility readily available

  • picking your nose.
  • blowing your nose very hard.
  • a minor injury to your nose.
  • changes in humidity or temperature causing the inside of the nose to become dry and cracked

Sealants protect against cavities that can form in the natural tiny holes and cracks on the outside of teeth. Kids from about 6 to 12 benefit from having sealants painted and hardened onto the chewing surfaces of their back teeth, or molars. Adults can get sealants as well to protect teeth that don’t have fillings.
Dentists or dental assistants put sealants on in an office visit, and it’s painless. They last around 2-4 years.

Yes, sweets and foods with acid, like candy and soda, could stick to teeth and lead to cavities. Smoking and chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer and gum disease.

While teeth are strong enough to chew ice and tear open packages, this can break them and stress your jaws. Gritting or grinding down on teeth when you’re stressed may crack them

Types of Hearing Tests

  • Pure Tone Testing
  • Bone Conduction Testing
  • Speech Testing
  • Tympanometry
  • Acoustic Reflex Testing
  • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
  • Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)

A Cochlear Implant is suitable for people with a severe to profound hearing loss, who do not benefit from standard hearing aids. Cochlear Implants are generally most successful for people who have had a relatively short length of deafness.

Sinus infections are usually treated with medication rather than surgery. Sinus surgery may be necessary when those infections are recurrent or persistent. Sinus surgery is most commonly used to treat chronic sinusitis (inflammation of the nose and sinuses), but may be needed for other sinus problems.

A hoarse voice after surgery is something that people sometimes complain about. Hoarseness after surgery can be temporary or permanent, and can be due to a number of reasons. In common most surgeries that cause hoarseness are performed under general anesthesia, in which a breathing tube is left in the throat during the duration of the surgery.

Early Signs of Dental Trouble
Bad breath. Bad breath isn?t something anyone wants and it can be embarrassing. …
Tooth decay. When any of your teeth start to decay, or you get a cavity, it can cause a lot of dental problems/symptoms. …
Gum (periodontal) disease. …
Mouth sores. …
Teeth sensitivity. …